Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Got'cha pt.2

(Read the post before this for the rules of Got'cha)

This game is FUCKIN INTENSE.

I went over to someone's room on my floor to ask for some chemistry homework help, when all of a sudden that girl who's iPod I lost came into the room was asking people for reinforcements. Her friend was apparently trapped in the washroom because 3 douchebags with with bandanna's covering their faces (one had a pink pashmina) was stalking her. People being harassed in the washroom over a stupid game? I gotta see this.

So I get there and there they were: girl trapped in washroom, and 3 people with hoodies, shit covering their mouths, and aviator glasses (terrorists). Naturally, I went into the girl's washroom. We ended up plotting to get this girl back into her room, which was right across from the washroom. One of the people on her floor ended up getting about 13-16 girls to come into the washroom, one of which who said "YEAH, WE'LL SHOW THEM, GIRL POWER" to which I replied "YEAAAH!!". So that's what we did, and now she's stuck in her room.

People take this game way to seriously. Good thing it ends tomorrow. The terrorists were all like "we're aloud to use force to pull her out of the washroom/her room". No. This game does not grant you a license to sexual harass/rape. Who do you think you are? James Bondage? I'm glad I got out the first day, or I would have done some crazy things I would regret.

Who am I kidding? I'd love to win that $500. Fuck, why did I speedwalk.

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